Computer Components

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Computer components are the physical components that a computer system requires to function smoothly. It encompasses everything with a circuit board that operates within a PC or laptop; including the motherboard, graphics card, CPU (Central Processing Unit), ventilation fans, webcam, power supply, etc.

Although the design of hardware differs between desktop PCs and laptops due to their differences in size, the same core components will be found in both. Without hardware, there would be no way of running the essential software that makes computers so useful.

Although a computer can function only when both hardware and software are working together, the speed of a system will largely rely on the components used. When building up a new computer, or simply replacing old parts, you may need to know the specific components of your computer.

Average Lifespan Of Computers

The longevity of a computer is a key concern for consumers. For a desktop PC, the answer is more complex, because it offers greater ability to customise the computer components than a laptop does. For most desktop PCs, you can expect a minimum three-year lifespan.

However, most computers survive five to eight years, depending on the upgrading computer components. Maintenance is also critical, as dust is very problematic for PC components. Owners should routinely upgrade software and keep the machines free from excessive dust and debris.

Computer Components and Computer Maintenance

Basic computer maintenance steps can extend a PC’s lifespan by 5-8 years. That’s why cleaning a computer’s hardware, and software is vital – and smart!

Computer cleaning keeps your school’s and personal PCs running smoothly and helps prevent costly assistance. Here are a few tips:

1. Clean your keyboard regularly: The best way to clean a keyboard is using a damp, lint-free cloth. A quick weekly wipe is enough to restore cleanliness and peace of mind!

2. Wipe down monitor: Wipe your monitor gently with a lint-free microfiber cloth slightly dampened with distilled water.

3. Defragment the hard drive: Adding and removing files can cause your hard drive to become fragmented, thereby spreading out files. In this event, the hard drive must work harder to access the files, resulting in a computer slowdown. The advantages of disk defragmentation are speeding up access again by rearranging and compacting files.

4. Keep your PC cool: The first defence against PC overheating is the fan. Make sure it’s working correctly, and remove dust using compressed air.